Friday 26 November 2010

International Book Trespass Day 1st December 2010 - A Guide

Guide for International Book Trespass Day, 1st December 2010

Hello. My name is Keith David and I have written this guide to help you get the most out of International Book Trespass Day, 1st December.

Reclaim the book shelves from the multinational corporations who decide unilaterally what you or anyone else can buy or read in book shops and on the library shelves. Have you written a novel, a collection of poetry, a racy novel about your neighbourhood or simply a study of mediaeval landscape gardening but unable to get a publisher? Don’t bother. Use International Book Trespass Day to get your book noticed, read, loved and appreciated by a huge audience.

Here is how it works:

  1. Print out extracts from your book – if possible take published versions of your book with you, but obviously cost can be a bit prohibitive.
  2. Make a list of all the bookshops in your area.
  3. Print out the downloadable leaflet on International Book Trespass Day.
  4. Visit the bookshops and hand over a copy of the leaflet (the leaflet explains to the bookseller that you will be visiting the store incognito on the 1st December and depositing your book or an extract from your book on the shelves at random).
  5. On 1st December visit the bookstores in your area and deposit copies or extracts of your book on the shelves in suitable locations. Make sure you include a contact number, email address or website so that anyone finding your material can get in touch and enquire about your work.
  6. On your website or printed book cover you can now add “as seen in Waterstones/Foyles/WHSmith/Abbey National (obviously not much point Book Trespassing in the latter)”.
  7. Sit back and wait for sales to rocket.

Disclaimer: Keith David accepts no responsibility for anyone attempting to join International Book Trespass Day or take part in direct action. The above guide is simply a reflection on the modern publishing business and in no way should be used as a guide to trespass on bookshops.